The GEW has launched an ordinary action - the Templin manifesto seeks to recognize science as a profession - for as lecturers and postdoctoral students are currently handled, can in science for most students and postdocs - operate only as a hobby - - so we set up in the 30gern to build career in the famous family of phase-provided you have assets or a / n breadwinner (in) , or a lucrative day job, or can not and will living on Hartz IV ...
Here is the link:
and here is the text:
Templin manifesto
universities and research institutions with growing demands confronted by increasing numbers of students, the reform of the courses, an autonomous control of the facilities and the increasing importance of external funding. These requirements must provide the employees in science, without having to find task-oriented conditions. Temporary contracts and other forms of atypical and precarious Employment affect more and more scientists and scholars. Many scientists are denied independent research and teaching, and reliable career prospects.
But good teaching and research are on the one hand, and good working conditions and career prospects on the other two sides of a coin. We therefore call on the federal government, states and universities to reform of personnel structure and career paths in academia and research, which is based on the following ten key points.
first Doctorate and better secure structure
We understand the promotion as the first phase of scientific practice. For PhD students we demand adequate collective agreements, employment conditions for qualification with social protection, provide at least three quarters of working for the stand-alone qualification. Interdisciplinary Research Training Centres are to support all doctoral students in the reception, implementation and successful completion of the dissertation project. We advocate for more transparency and social equity in access to a promotion - even for college graduates.
second Postdocs reliable perspectives give
-doctoral researchers (postdocs) must reliable career prospects have: a tenure-track, which allows the permanent retention in higher education and research - regardless of whether an appeal is made to a professor or not. This requires a systematic workforce planning and development by universities and research institutions. The high school teaching career must be reachable via different career paths, the habilitation is always a possibility.
third Duration tasks with permanent employment
meet branch qualification and professorships require universities and research facilities sufficient points on which scientists exercise on open-ended contracts science careers. The only way to fulfill the long-term tasks in research, teaching and research management with the necessary continuity and quality. And only then will open up qualified young scientists and career opportunities in addition to the professorship.
4th Precarious replace regular employment
Many institutions under great financial pressure can be a significant part of their obligation to provide teaching of lecturers. To be with the exploitation of teachers has to stop dumping! Where lecturers perceive permanent teaching and assessment tasks must these jobs earning get. As far are useful to supplement teaching of the curriculum, minimum standards must be met regarding payment, contract duration and renewal option.
5th In equilibrium, teach, research and life science
is a normal profession, even scientists have a right to a work-life balance. This assumes that a family-friendly design of higher education and research. We expect a broad understanding of family that includes all communities, where people take responsibility for one another. We call for need-based education and care services for children, to meet the special needs of employees with care and dependent relatives and the implementation of appropriate working hours.
6th Gender balance enforce
Since women in senior positions of academic life are represented, we need effective measures to increase the proportion of women at all stages of academic careers with the goal of a balanced sex ratio. The quality of the work of universities and research institutions must be judged on how successfully they meet the gender order. We call for a mandatory and penalties associated with quota, even with the appointment of professors and administrative functions. Women and Equal Opportunities Commissioner need effective design options and equity securities.
and here is the text:
Templin manifesto
universities and research institutions with growing demands confronted by increasing numbers of students, the reform of the courses, an autonomous control of the facilities and the increasing importance of external funding. These requirements must provide the employees in science, without having to find task-oriented conditions. Temporary contracts and other forms of atypical and precarious Employment affect more and more scientists and scholars. Many scientists are denied independent research and teaching, and reliable career prospects.
But good teaching and research are on the one hand, and good working conditions and career prospects on the other two sides of a coin. We therefore call on the federal government, states and universities to reform of personnel structure and career paths in academia and research, which is based on the following ten key points.
first Doctorate and better secure structure
We understand the promotion as the first phase of scientific practice. For PhD students we demand adequate collective agreements, employment conditions for qualification with social protection, provide at least three quarters of working for the stand-alone qualification. Interdisciplinary Research Training Centres are to support all doctoral students in the reception, implementation and successful completion of the dissertation project. We advocate for more transparency and social equity in access to a promotion - even for college graduates.
second Postdocs reliable perspectives give
-doctoral researchers (postdocs) must reliable career prospects have: a tenure-track, which allows the permanent retention in higher education and research - regardless of whether an appeal is made to a professor or not. This requires a systematic workforce planning and development by universities and research institutions. The high school teaching career must be reachable via different career paths, the habilitation is always a possibility.
third Duration tasks with permanent employment
meet branch qualification and professorships require universities and research facilities sufficient points on which scientists exercise on open-ended contracts science careers. The only way to fulfill the long-term tasks in research, teaching and research management with the necessary continuity and quality. And only then will open up qualified young scientists and career opportunities in addition to the professorship.
4th Precarious replace regular employment
Many institutions under great financial pressure can be a significant part of their obligation to provide teaching of lecturers. To be with the exploitation of teachers has to stop dumping! Where lecturers perceive permanent teaching and assessment tasks must these jobs earning get. As far are useful to supplement teaching of the curriculum, minimum standards must be met regarding payment, contract duration and renewal option.
5th In equilibrium, teach, research and life science
is a normal profession, even scientists have a right to a work-life balance. This assumes that a family-friendly design of higher education and research. We expect a broad understanding of family that includes all communities, where people take responsibility for one another. We call for need-based education and care services for children, to meet the special needs of employees with care and dependent relatives and the implementation of appropriate working hours.
6th Gender balance enforce
Since women in senior positions of academic life are represented, we need effective measures to increase the proportion of women at all stages of academic careers with the goal of a balanced sex ratio. The quality of the work of universities and research institutions must be judged on how successfully they meet the gender order. We call for a mandatory and penalties associated with quota, even with the appointment of professors and administrative functions. Women and Equal Opportunities Commissioner need effective design options and equity securities.
7th Co-decision with
universities and research institutions must be democratized, the self-government must be strengthened. All researchers are independent to the status in university committees or oversight bodies of research institutions say in an equal among equals. This also applies to new organizational forms such as graduate schools and clusters of excellence. We call for a Extending the scope of the Staff Committee of the laws or constitutional right of all operating employees, and an expansion of the rights of their chosen employee representatives and works councils - as a consequence of the greater autonomy of institutions in economic and personnel matters.
8th Mobility support, not punish
We support conditions in science that allow mobility between universities and research institutes in the European and global higher education and research space, and between science and practice. Pension and social security rights must be fully get experience times for other agencies and qualifications will be recognized. At the same applies: Even if you do not want to be mobile or may be given a fair chance in science.
9th Universities and research needs and to expand to meet demand
The growing demand for research, teaching and research management in the long run only by a demand-side and demand-driven expansion of universities and research institutions to overcome. For this we need more places, better care and more research money to the social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st Century to meet.
10th All jobs negotiate collective agreements
academics and student employees are entitled to collective bargaining protection. We therefore call for the expansion of the scope of the civil service-wide collective agreements to all employees in higher education and research. We advocate for science-specific rules addressing the unique needs of the workplace and university research. The legislature needs to collective bargaining by trade unions and employers to negotiate and respect the ban, rules for temporary work contracts in higher education and research to apply and remove. Therefore demand we are the complete elimination of the tariff barrier in the science-Term Contract Law.
universities and research institutions must be democratized, the self-government must be strengthened. All researchers are independent to the status in university committees or oversight bodies of research institutions say in an equal among equals. This also applies to new organizational forms such as graduate schools and clusters of excellence. We call for a Extending the scope of the Staff Committee of the laws or constitutional right of all operating employees, and an expansion of the rights of their chosen employee representatives and works councils - as a consequence of the greater autonomy of institutions in economic and personnel matters.
8th Mobility support, not punish
We support conditions in science that allow mobility between universities and research institutes in the European and global higher education and research space, and between science and practice. Pension and social security rights must be fully get experience times for other agencies and qualifications will be recognized. At the same applies: Even if you do not want to be mobile or may be given a fair chance in science.
9th Universities and research needs and to expand to meet demand
The growing demand for research, teaching and research management in the long run only by a demand-side and demand-driven expansion of universities and research institutions to overcome. For this we need more places, better care and more research money to the social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st Century to meet.
10th All jobs negotiate collective agreements
academics and student employees are entitled to collective bargaining protection. We therefore call for the expansion of the scope of the civil service-wide collective agreements to all employees in higher education and research. We advocate for science-specific rules addressing the unique needs of the workplace and university research. The legislature needs to collective bargaining by trade unions and employers to negotiate and respect the ban, rules for temporary work contracts in higher education and research to apply and remove. Therefore demand we are the complete elimination of the tariff barrier in the science-Term Contract Law.
last it came to science as work here: teaching years is not Mr years.
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